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Devotional 2: Fear & Faith

Larry Blankenship

May 7, 2021

God does not give us a Spirit of Fear, but of power, love, and of sound mind. Remember that we have been promised the “mind of Christ”. You have a way out from all this. Crawl into the Word of God, pray, praise Him, speak His promises out loud. Trust me, Satan will flee.

Fear and faith are both very strong spiritual forces. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Fear also comes from hearing. From hearing the enticements of the world and your enemy Satan who owns and controls it. Who are you listening to?
In America there are many voices and distractions, all trying to get your attention. Television, the internet, advertisements, movies and a thousand other things. We are bombarded with all this and it can be overpowering at times.
It is meant to be that way. It is a cheap trick of the enemy. He wants to throw so much at you that its hard to, or even impossible to, filter. At this point he has overpowered you. It takes time to filter and that is time from God and your assignment.
A Dangerous Disciple knows that it takes focus and concentration to become that Warrior of God. Anything that might cause distraction, anxiety, or fear in your life must be immediately discarded … Plus all things that take time from prayer or your Bible reading, they have to go.
God does not give us a Spirit of Fear, but of power, love, and of sound mind. Remember that we have been promised the “mind of Christ”. You have a way out from all this. Crawl into the Word of God, pray, praise Him, speak His promises out loud. Trust me, Satan will flee.

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